Wedding Planning: is about organization and paying great care and attention to the multitude of minute details. It goes without out saying all wedding planners are highly organized persistent individuals, who seek the best prices for quality goods and services. Translated into layman’s terms they are wedding project managers. For this they can command high fees, which is what I wish to save you.
All project managers draw up a detailed plan of the tasks involved, with a timeframe, for the execution of the project in hand. In some instances the plan will also include reference to others where tasks are to be delegated and a timeframe for them to report back within.
Great wedding pictures from Aalborg
What does Wedding Planning Involve?
– Thorough research, e.g. if a beach wedding, they will know the sunset time for that particular day, the tide times, have a long range weather forecast, with fall back plan for inclement weather, what the wild life is like, if there is the need for mosquito repellant, if there is any dangerous jelly fish which would prevent a paddle through the waves, etc.
– Keeping within or below budget
– Keeping exactly to the schedule, unless the wedding date is brought forward or delayed
– Fine-tuning the plan as time unfolds, keeping abreast of events happening at or around your wedding location
– Keeping the plan up-to-date to reflect work undertaken, decisions made, etc.
– Negotiating discounts
– Arbitrating between clashing family members
– Being a troubleshooter if a vendor goes out on business
– More researching and traveling to various locations, e.g. to look at a venue, to listen to a DJ, or hear a band in concert, if they are not able to book someone they usually recommend
– Holding various meetings to procure goods and services
– Negotiating favourable contracts
– Being an interior or exterior designer
– Directing the wedding day preparations/activities
– Having the ability to transport people and things to inaccessible, remote places
– Ensuring there are emergency procedures or emergency kits, e.g. mending a tear in the bride’s dress, mending a broken finger nail, spare inhaler for asthma sufferer, smelling salts for anyone who faints, etc
Why bother with Wedding Planning?
If you do not bother with a wedding plan, then you cannot expect your wedding to happen. Think of the largest most elaborate party you have ever held, well that is just an inkling as to what planning a wedding is like. There are several reasons to plan for a wedding, some of which are as follows:
– in order for your wedding to be legal certain formalities have to be followed
– in order to fulfill your cultural or religious obligations
– out of respect to your guests in terms of notification and hospitality
– out of respect to your parents and/or guardians
– so you do not have any future regrets about not making an effort, as hopefully you will only be married once
Where do I start with Wedding Planning?
First you will need to establish your budget, click on this link for a budget formulae. Then you will need to draw up your wedding timetable and wedding day timetable (click on link). Then just keep browsing at the site and look up the information as and when you need it. You will find loads of useful tips, but don’t give yourself information overload! Just take things step by step, logging your work as you go along.
I hope you will find being your own wedding planner and carrying out your wedding planning as rewarding as I did. 21:14 +00:00 20:18 +00:00 18:15 +00:00 18:15 +00:00 18:17 +00:00 18:19 +00:00 18:22 +00:00 18:25 +00:00 20:14 +00:00 19:33 +00:00 15:24 +00:00 23:38 +00:00 23:39 +00:00 23:39 +00:00 01:01 +00:00