Wedding bend
Wedding rituals did not change much over the years, but the selection of the Wedding Band for the reception went through significant changes. The possibility to choose the wedding bands is available on the internet where you can also listen to the songs.
5 Key Steps when Selecting a Wedding Band
- Evaluation of the wedding band on the internet.
A good webpage offers you a lot of crucial information. Most of new weds are looking for a wedding band which can play different types of music. As the age of guests spaces between 8 and 80 years different types of music can always assure to have a full dance floor. Read through a list of the wedding band repertoire and define a list of songs which you would like to hear and also define different types of music. If you have on your disposal audio samples of the songs, listen to them attentively and evaluate the selection of songs. Do you enjoy while listening to them? Do you like the voice of the main vocal? Do you like the piano or guitar performance? Some bands also have video records which you should attentively evaluate. After you have carefully checked the audio/visual materials make a list of possible candidates and contact them by phone or e-mail. If you had selected your dream wedding band do not hesitate and contact them immediately to ask more information as most bends are reserved 6-8 months in advance. - Questions by e-mail of by phone
The first question you should ask is whether they are available for your wedding date. If you get a positive answer immediately define the price of the performance. Variations in the number of performers and in the price of the overall performance can be significant, therefore ask in detail for all the information you can get. For a smaller and more intimate weddings (60 to 150 guests), a smaller wedding band would be acceptable. But if you are planning a big wedding (with more that 200 guests) maybe you would like to get a bigger wedding band. Sometimes you will be in a situation that you have chosen a right wedding band, but financially this is not going to match with your plans. Ask the front-man of the bend some of the following questions: How long are you playing together?, Do you have any references from previous weddings?, Ask for a CD and other information which they can forward to you by e-mail. A professional wedding band will answer to your enquiry by e-mail or by phone within 24 hours. If the band has a wedding somewhere close, you should absolutely go and see them play live. - Go and see your Wedding Band play live
Most bands have schedules when they play in clubs or restaurants. If they play exclusively for weddings, arrange with the front-man of the band so you can come on the next reception where they are going to play so to see their repertoire. Because if you see how they perform you will be also able to see the good sides and the down sides of having them play on your wedding reception. The visual impression together with the musical performance will make your choice easier. Also pay attention on what the guests are talking about during their performance. Can the guests easily communicate when the music is playing or you can hear them shouting to be heard. Is the dance floor full? Is the overall impression of the band suiting your wishes? During pauses talk to the front-man of the wedding band and ask him/her everything you would like to know and on the base of answers evaluate the level of the communication you can expect when you will be expressing your requests during the wedding reception. Fotografering i Aabenraa
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Bryllupsbilleder i Skagen
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Bryllupper i Frederikshavn
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Bryllupsfotografering i Sønderjylland
Skjern bryllupsfotografi - Reservation of Wedding Band Services
If you have made a decision and you have chosen the wedding band immediately place your reservation for your wedding date. The worst possible situation which can surprise you would be to find out that the band you have chosen is not available on your wedding day. By Contract you should cover the following: date, time, location of the wedding reception, number of the wedding band and their names, address and phone number together with other information relevant for you wedding reception. Total amount for the performance, the front payment and when the rest will be paid, all of these are the facts which need to be clearly defined and stated in the Contract. If you still have some additional questions do not hesitate to ask everything you would like to know. - Wedding planning in Advance
The biggest help you can get in realisation of a joyful wedding event is a good and detailed planning. If you have all the relevant information available on time this will make your wedding arrangements a lot easier. If you cannot decide which dance is going to be the first one, ask the front-man for suggestions. For sure he will be able to propose a few. If you arranged with the wedding band to play a special song of yours get a rehearsal on the CD at least 6 or 8 weeks in advance. On the list of songs which they will be playing put a special mark on those which are special for you, and in this way you will be sure they will perform your favourite songs with special care.
And in the end you can be satisfied with the choice you have made of a professional and experienced band which is going to complete the indescribable relaxing and entertaining atmosphere at your wedding day.