To ensure that your wedding day runs as smoothly as possible draw up a wedding day timetable and remember to set your alarm! It is critical if there are several members of the bridal party staying in the one house. It is even more stressful if you are limited to one bathroom!
Sharing bathroom facilities: Make a rota for the baths/showers. Ensure you have allowed sufficient hot water for everybody. If this is going to cause a problem ask a friendly neighbour if you could borrow theirs. Put a friend in charge of any children: (a) to entertain them (b) to prepare them last minute, so that their outfits remain fresh!
Your wedding day timetable:Depending upon the time of your wedding your timetable may run a little like the following. If you opt for a mobile hairdresser and make-up artist, remember to allot sufficient time for each person. This could mean a very early start!
between 5am & 10am:
– breakfast
– personal hygiene
– put on loose button-up/zip-up robe
– hairdressers
– make-up artist
10am onwards:
– receipt of flowers for bridal party
– appointed person to take button holes, service cards, etc., to wedding venue
– appointed person to take change of outfits, make-up bag, mother’s bouquets, seating cards, etc., to reception venue. The same or another person may take the cake, cake knife and stand and any luggage for the Bridal Night and/or Honeymoon.
– light meal/nibbles
– photographer arrives to take shots of preparations
12 noon onwards:
– dress
– final touch-ups
– first of transport arrives for Mother and Bridesmaid(s)
– transport arrives for Bride and Father
The Groom generally takes a little less longer to prepare than his Bride! If having a cut-throat shave ensure that you have more that one shirt available in case of any bleeds. Also ensure that the best man has the rings and any notes for the speeches/toasts! Ensure a prompt arrival at your wedding ceremony venue – it is only the Bride’s privilege to be late!